Sponsored Research Projects

Name of Project

Sponsoring Agency/ Grant

Funding Amount


Principal Investigator(s)

Creating Awareness in the Field of Artificial Intelligence through Hands-on Activities for secondary school children in select districts of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu


Rs. 37.12 Lakhs


Anand Kumar M., (Co-PI: Bijuna C Mohan SHSSM)

Quantum Cryptanalysis using Grovers Quantum Search Algorithm DRDO Rs 51 Lakhs 2023-2025 Bhawana Rudra
A Deep Explainable Framework for Semantically Similar Document Retrieval and Summarization of Legal Text DST SERB / CORE Research Grant Rs. 42 Lakhs 2023-2026

Anand Kumar M  

Artificial intelligence-based modeling and assessment of Saltwater intrusion phenomenon
Rs. 28.78 Lakhs
Shrutilipi Bhattacharjee,          Sowmya Kamath S 
Microsoft AI for Earth Grant
US $15,000
Sowmya Kamath S,                  Shrutilipi Bhattacharjee
Google Cloud COVID-19 Research Grant 
Google Inc
US $10,600
Sowmya Kamath S
Google Cloud COVID-19 Research Grant
Google Inc
US $9,100
Neelima B

A Framework for Fog/Edge Computing for Multimodal Data Transmission in Internet of Things

Young Faculty Research Fellowship, Visweswaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT, (MeitY) Rs. 14.98 Lakhs 2019-2021 Geetha V
Effective Online Framework Solution for Protein Sequence Alignment and to Predict Protein Structure & its subcellular localization using Amino Acid Molecules Vision Group on Science and Technology,  Govt. of Karnataka Rs. 5 Lakhs 2018-2019 Nagamma Patil

A Framework for Deep Learning based Analytics for Intelligent Healthcare Applications

DST-SERB/Early Career Research Grant

Rs. 32.57 Lakhs


Sowmya Kamath S.

Smart HCC: Automated Health Care Centre Activities
Institute Research Grant
Rs. 5 Lakhs
G. Ram Mohana Reddy 
Quality of Service Aware Routing in MANETs
MHRD/Rajeev Gandhi National Research Fellowship
Rs. 8 Lakhs
Kiran Manjappa 
Content Based Video Copy Detection and Prevention of In-Theater Piracy
DST/Women Scientist Research Fellowship
Rs. 30 Lakhs
R. Roopalakshmi (Guide: G. Ram Mohana Reddy)
Development of Web Based Course Material on Distributed Computing Systems
Rs. 3.5 Lakhs
Ananthanarayana V.S.
Security Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks
Startup Grant, NITK
Rs. 5 Lakhs
Geetha V.
High Performance Computing
Startup Grant, NITK
Rs. 5 Lakhs
Prakash S. Raghavendra
Multicore Optimization
IBM Faculty Award
US $10,000
Prakash S. Raghavendra
Distributed Computing and Web Services
Startup Grant, NITK
Rs. 5 Lakhs
Ananthanarayana V.S.
Multi-database Data Mining
MHRD (R & D)
Rs. 8 Lakhs
Ananthanarayana V.S.


Consultancy and Other Projects completed by Faculty Members



        BUDGET                           DURATION                
Sowmya Kamath S Business Data Management  Rs. 28.34 Lakhs 2 years
Anand Kumar M Structured content extraction from preformatted documents and study materials (Edumeister USA) Rs. 1.18 Lakhs 1 year (2021)
Biju R. Mohan, Sowmya Kamath S DASA Admission Process Management (MHRD)   2019, 2020
Ananthanarayana V.S. Convener, NITK MIS Project (NITK) Rs. 54 Lakhs 2016-ongoing
Biju R Mohan Co-convener, Technical Committee,  IRIS Project (NITK) -do- -do-

Sowmya Kamath S; 

Member of Technical Committee, NITK MIS Project (IRIS); Technical Lead for IRIS Modules

-do- -do-
Ananthanarayana V.S Convener, CCMT 2016 (Centralized Counselling for M.Tech./M.Arch./M.Plan. Admissions) (MHRD) Rs 4.5 crores 2015-16
Ananthanarayana V.S., Biju R Mohan Automated DASA Admission Process (MHRD) Rs. 20 Lakhs 2011-14
Ananthanarayana V.S. Development of Web Based Course Material on Distributed Computing Systems (MHRD-NPTEL) Rs. 3.5 Lakhs 2012-13
Prakash S Raghavendra Technical support for AIEEE Admission Process (MHRD)   2012
Ananthanarayana V.S. Member of the Information Technology Expert Committee (Hubli Electricity Supply Company)   2011-to date
Ananthanarayana V.S. Graphics System Design (Development Of Graphics Lab) (MHRD) Rs. 6 Lakhs 1993-96






Industry/Institute Interaction

The Department is actively nurturing interaction between reputed academic and industry organizations. These are manifested in the form of students projects, student/faculty visits, internships, practical training and MoUs among others. Students benefit from an exposure to professional and research environments at other organizations. Also, interaction with global organizations in providing a global outlook to a student's mindset and work ethics. 

Some of the activities carried out - 

  • Memoranda of Understanding between the department and industries on areas of mutual interest

- Hewlett Packard Enterprise - NITK MoU (2019 - 2024)

- RDL Mangalore-IT Department (2018- 2021)

- Accenture Bombay – NITK MoU (2008 for 1 year)

- Dell India R&D Centre, Bangalore (2012)

- EMC Bangalore (2008 for 2 years)

- HP Bangalore (2008)

- Pennsylvania State University (PSU) (2008 for 5 years)

  • Organizing Workshops in joint participation of faculty and Academic/Industry organizations.
  • Inviting professionals from industry to visit the department to deliver expert lectures

  • Participation of experts from industry in curriculum development.

  • Visits of faculty members to various industry and academic organizations

  • Professional consultancy by the faculty to Industry organizations through sponsored projects.

  • PG projects/dissertation work in Industry/Academic organizations under joint guidance of IT faculty and other experts from industry/academia.

  • Practical training and Internship work of students in Industry/Academic organizations in India and abroad.

Internship Data


Research Groups 

The faculty and Ph.D/PG and UG students of the Department of Information Technology are actively involved in research in their areas of interest, and several research groups have been set up to promote an sustaining research culture in specialized areas. 


Data Science and Engineering Research Group (DSEG)

Website:   http://dseg.nitk.ac.in

Faculty Members:    Ananthanarayana V.S

                                   Sowmya Kamath S


Green Cloud Computing Research Group (GCCG)

Website:  http://gccg.nitk.ac.in

Faculty Member:    G. Ram Mohana Reddy


Healthcare Analytics and Langauge Engineering (HALE Lab)

Website:   https://halelabnitk.github.io/

Faculty member:   Sowmya Kamath S


Human Centered Computing Group (HCCG)

Website:  http://hccg.nitk.ac.in

Faculty Member:    G. Ram Mohana Reddy


IoT and Data Analytics Research Group (IoT-DA)

Website ~to be updated~

Faculty Member:    Geetha V

                                Sowmya Kamath S


Recent Publications 

Year 2023                       Journals            Conferences

Year 2022                       Journals            Conferences

Year 2021                       Journals            Conferences

Year 2020                       Journals            Conferences

Year 2019                       Journals            Conferences

Year 2018                       Journals            Conferences

Year 2017                       Journals            Conferences

Year 2016                       Journals            Conferences

Year 2015                       Journals            Conferences


Year 2014                       Journals            Conferences

Year 2013                       Journals            Conferences

Year 2012                       Journals            Conferences

Year 2011                       Journals            Conferences




Patents Granted 

Patent Number 374782
Application Number 201641025735
Filing date 27/07/2016
Date of grant 18/08/2021
Applicant (s) National Institute of Technology Karnataka
1. Prof. Ananthanarayana V.S
2. Sakthi Murugan R.

Contact us

Head of the Department,
Department of Information Technology,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
SurathkalP. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Ph.:    +91-824-2474056
Email:  hodit [at] nitk [dot] edu [dot] in

Web Admin: Sowmya Kamath S

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