Geetha V and Shrinidhi M, Software Based Solution For Efficient Energy Utilization Of An IoT Node (PSoC6-Dual Core) Using A Scheduler, 7th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems ICCES 2022, 22-24 June 2022.
Sanket Salvi, Geetha V, Harsh Maru, Rashad Ahmed, and Niteesh Kumar, An Image Transmission Technique using Low-Cost Li-Fi Testbed, Second International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and Communications (ICSCCC-2021), May 21-23, 2021.
Sanket Salvi, Geetha V, Praveen Kains, Kiran C and Vikas J Nayak, LiCamPos: An Indoor Positioning System for Advertising using Light to Camera Communication, Second International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and Communications (ICSCCC-2021), May 21-23, 2021.
Geetha V and Bavya Balakrishnan, A User Authentication and Access Control Scheme for IoT-Based Healthcare Using Blockchain, 12th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT 21) July 6-8, 2021, IIT - Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.
V Geetha, Sanket Salvi, Pulak Sahoo, Mitika Dodiya and Shreya Gupta, A shadow based Low-Cost Hand Movement Recognition System for Human Computer Interaction, 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2nd-4th April 2021.
Niteesh Kumar, Pranav P, Vishal Nirney, Geetha V, Deepfake Image Detection using CNNs and Transfer Learning, 1st IEEE International conference on Computing, Communication and Green Engineering -2021 (CCGE21) Organised by JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu college of Engineering (RSCOE), Pune Sponsored by IEEE Pune Section, September 2021
V. Geetha, C. Kiran, M. Sharma and J. Rakshith Kumar, Deployment of Computer Vision Application on Edge Platform, 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/INDICON52576.2021.9691632.
Sampat Kr Ghosh, Shaikh Sahil Ahmed, Ronit Sunil Meshram, Geetha V,"Fully Automated Waste Management System Using Line Follower Robot",Sixth International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications (ERCICA-2020), 25-26 September 2020, Bangalore,India.
Ranjit Kolkar, Geetha V, "Issues and Challenges in various sensor based Modalities in Human Activity Recognition System", International Conference on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing (AISCC-2020), 27-28 Feb 2020, MNIT, Jaipur, India.
Geetha V., Sanket Salvi, Gurudeep Saini, Naveen Yadav, Rudra Pratap Singh Tomar, "Follow Me: A Human Following Robot using Wi-Fi Received Signal Strength Indicator", 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD 2020), Goa, India
S. Salvi, V. Geetha and S. Sowmya Kamath, "Jamura: A Conversational Smart Home Assistant Built on Telegram and Google Dialogflow," TENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Kochi, India, 2019, pp. 1564-1571, doi: 10.1109/TENCON.2019.8929316.
S. Salvi and V. Geetha, "From Light to Li-Fi: Research Challenges in Modulation, MIMO, Deployment Strategies and Handover," 2019 International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE), Patna, India, 2019, pp. 107-119, doi: 10.1109/ICDSE47409.2019.8971475.
Gangavarapu Tushar,Pal H, Prakash P, Hegde S, Geetha V, "Parallel OpenMP and CUDA Implementations of the N-Body Problem", 19th International Conference on Computational Science and Ints Applications, ICCSA 2019; Saint Petersburg; Russian Federation July 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture notes in Bioinformatics) 11619 LNCS, pp. 193-208. (Scopus Indexed)
Bharath A Kinnal, Ujjwal Pasupulety, Geetha V, "VaFLE:Value Flag Length Encoding for Images in a Multithreaded Environment, 4th International Conference on Information, Communication" Computing Technology (ICICCT-2009), New Delhi, Springer CCIS Series. (Scopus Indexed-in press)
Vaishakh K, Pravalika A,Sowmya S Kamath, Geetha V, "Constructing an Enriched Domain Taxonomy for Hindi using Word Embeddings, 21st International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP 2017), 5-7 Dec2017, Singapore. (Scopus Indexed)
Archana Bhat, Geetha V, "Survey on Routing Protocols for Internet of Things", 7th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design, 18-20th Dec 2017, NIT, Durgapur. (Scopus Indexed)
Geetha V, Sravanthi M N, Nikhita Hegde and Shruthi Hegde, “Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Network”, Seventh International Engineering Symposium – IES 2018, 7-9 March 2018, Kumamoto University, Japan.
Pravalika A, Vaishakh K, Abhishek D V and Dr. Geetha V, “Parallelization of Query Execution in a Database System”, 5 th International Engineering Symposium –IES 2016, March 2-3, 2016, Kumamoto University, Japan.
V Geetha, P V Kallapur, L Preetham, T K Darshan, “Performance evaluation of existing wireless TCP variants for high data rate wireless sensor networks”, International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT),29-31 Oct. 2015, Davanagere, pp 760-765.(Scopus Indexed)
Anamika Joshi and Geetha.V, SQL Injection Detection using Machine Learning, In Proc. of International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication, & Computational Technologies (ICCICCT-2014), IEEE digital library, 10th-11th July 2014., pp.1111-1115. (Scopus Indexed)
Prabhat Ranjan, Geetha.V “Energy Efficient LEACH by Enhancing the Data Update Procedure of Cluster Head.” Proc., Fourth IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies 2013 (ICCCNT 2013), Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, 4th - 6th July 2013.http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICCCNT.2013.6726767.(Scopus Indexed)
Sharath Rao, Saksham Keshri, Daivik Gangwar , Praveen Sundara and Geetha.V, "Survey and Comparison of GTS Allocation and Scheduling Algorithms in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless sensor networks", Proc., of 2013 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT– 2013) held on 11th -12th April 2013 at Thuckalay, Tamilnadu. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CICT.2013.6558070.(Scopus Indexed)
Geetha.V, Pranesh.V. Kallapur, Sushma Tellajeera, "Clustering of Wireless Sensor Networks : Performance Comparison of LEACH and LEACH-C Protocols using NS2", Elsevier Procedia Technology, Volume 4, Year 2012, pg 163-170. DOI:10.1016/j.protcy.2012.05.024
Geetha.V, and K. Chandrasekaran, "Analysis of Direct Observation based Trust models to identify the On-Off Attacker in Wireless Sensor Network", Proceedingsof International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Security 16 -18 December 2011.
Geetha.V and K. Chandrasekaran, Identification of Parameters for Trust Management in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. of eighth International Conference on Communication Networks (ICCN 2014), Elsevier, 26th -27th July 2014. pp. 154-161. (Best Paper Award)
Anupama Sikchi and Geetha. V, MRPLA: Multi-hop Routing Protocol for Large Area Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. of eighth International Conference on Communication Networks (ICCN 2014), Elsevier, pp. 214-221.
Adarsh D K, Froila Dsouza, Chandrakanth U, Prajwal R Prasad, Geetha V,Wireless Sensor Network Simulator for Routing Protocols, in Proc. of eighth International Conference on Communication Networks (ICCN 2014), Elsevier, 26th-27th July 2014, pp. 330-337.
Geetha.V, K. Chandrasekaran, Shridhar Sanshi, Anupama Sikchi, "Trust Based Centralized Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH-C) for Wireless Sensor Network", In proc. of Second International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, by Elsevier, 1st – 2nd August 2014, pp.468-474.
Shashank P and Geetha.V, Trace Time Delay Between Base Station and Service Stations in Different Scenarios of WiMAX Networks: Using NS3, In proc. of Second International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, Elsevier, 1st – 2nd August 2014, pp. 435-440.
Geetha V, Aithal S, Chandrasekaran K, "Effect of Mobility over performance of the ad hoc networks", Proceedings of 2006 Intenrnational Symposium on Ad Hoc And Ubiquitous Computing pages 138-141. (Scopus Indexed)