Course Name:
Topics in Green Computing (IT926)
Credits (L-T-P):
Introduction to Green Cloud Computing, Migrating into Cloud, Green IT: An Overview, Green Devices and Hardware, Green Software; Green Data Centers: Data Centers and Associated Energy Challenges, Data Centre IT Infrastructure, Data Centre Facility Infrastructure: Implications for Energy Efficiency, IT Infrastructure Management, Green Data Centre Metrics, Data Centre Management Strategies, Green Data Storage: Introduction, Storage Media Power Characteristics, Energy Management for Hard Disks, System-Level Energy Management; Green Networks and Communications: Introduction, Objectives of Green Network Protocols, Green Network Protocols and Standards, Sustainable Information Systems and Green Metrics; Green Cloud Computing and Environmental Sustainability: Energy Usage Model, Features of Clouds Enabling Green Computing, Towards Energy Efficiency of Cloud Computing, Green Cloud Architecture; Energy Adaptive Computing for Ecosystem: Implementing the Data Center Energy Productivity Metric in a High-Performance Computing Data Center, Sustainable Dynamic Application Hosting Across Geographically Distributed Data Centers, Energy Efficient task scheduling and Resources allocation at Data Center using Bio inspired Techniques, Energy Efficient Virtual Machine Provisioning and Migration w.r.t S.L.A agreements; Cloud Computing Tools : Simulators such as CloudSim, iCanCloud, Open Stack, Green Cloud, Open Nebula, Aneka; Recent Trends in Green Computing and IT.