
Course Name: 

Perceptual Audio and Speech Processing (IT910)



Credits (L-T-P): 



Audio Coding and Human Auditory Perception; SpeechAnalysis - Short Time Discrete Fourier Transforms, Gamma-tone Filter banks, Sub-band coding and Wavelet Transforms, Audio Processing, Standards for audio compression in multimedia applications - MPEG.


Ben G. and Nelson M., "Speech and Audio Signal Processing: Processing and Perception of Speech & Music", Wiley, 1999
K. Rao et al,, "Introduction to Multimedia Communications: Applications, Middleware, Networking", Wiley 2006
Douglas O'Shaugnessy, "Speech Communication - Human and Machine", IEEE Press, 2000
L R Rabiner, "Digital Processing of Speech Signals", Pearson, 1978
Zi Nian Li, "Fundamentals of Multimedia", Pearson Education, 2003


Information Technology

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Head of the Department,
Department of Information Technology,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
SurathkalP. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Ph.:    +91-824-2474056
Email:  hodit [at] nitk [dot] edu [dot] in

Web Admin: Sowmya Kamath S

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