
Course Name: 

Modern Cryptography (IT828)


M.Tech (IT)

Credits (L-T-P): 

(3-0-2) 4


Symmetric Key Cryptography: The notion of a symmetric key cryptography, Data Encryption Standard (DES), Double DES, Triple DES and cryptanalysis. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Public Key Cryptosystems: Fundamentals of Public-key Cryptography, RSA public key cryptosystem, ElGamal public key cryptosystem and Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems. Integer Factorization Problem: Trial division, Pollard’s rho factoring algorithm, Pollard’s p-1 factoring algorithm, Elliptic Curve Factoring, Random Square Factoring methods, Quadratic sieve Factoring, Number Field Sieve Factoring. Digital Signatures: RSA based signature scheme, ElGamal based signature scheme, Schnorr signature scheme, Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA). Key Distribution and Key Agreement Protocols: Key Pre-distribution, Diffie-Hellman key Exchange. Authentication: simple authentication protocol and possible attacks, Strong password protocols, Key Distribution Centers based authentication protocols.


“Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices”, 4th Edition, W. Stallings, Prentice Hall, 2005.
“Cryptography and Network Security”, 6th Edition, William Stallings, pearson, 2013.
“Applied Cryptography”, 2nd Edition, Bruce Schneier, Wiley, 1996.
“Handbook of Applied Cryptography”, A. Menezes, P. Van Oorschot, S. Vanstone, CRC Press, 5th Printing, 2001.
“Understanding Cryptography A Textbook for Students and Practitioners”, Christ of Paar, Jan Pelzl, Springer.
“Cryptography, Theory and Practice”, 3rd Edition, Douglas R. Stinson, CRC Press, 2006.
“Network Security Private Communication in a Public World”, C. Kaufman et al., Prentice Hall, 2002.
“Cryptography & Network Security”, Behrouz A Forouzan & Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2015.

Contact us

Head of the Department,
Department of Information Technology,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
SurathkalP. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Ph.:    +91-824-2474056
Email:  hodit [at] nitk [dot] edu [dot] in

Web Admin: Sowmya Kamath S

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