Course Name:
Topics In Natural Language Processing (IT823)
Credits (L-T-P):
Introduction to Language Modelling, History and Applications, Text Processing Systems and architectures, N-grams, Lexical semantics and word-sense disambiguation, part of speech tagging, spelling correction, Text Classification – basics and process, tools, Naïve Bayes classifier, learning algorithms, Probabilistic Similarity Measures and Clustering, Sentiment Analysis, Generating and developing sentiment lexicons, learning lexicons, Information Retrieval, TF/IDF, Vector Space Models, Query analysis and processing, Information Extraction - Maximum Entropy models, Relation Extraction, Stochastic Tagging, and Log-Linear Models, Introduction to Semantics in NLP, Question Answering Models, passphrase analysis and answer generation, summarization, Emerging trends,research issues, challenges, interesting applications in various domains.