
Course Name: 

Modern Cryptography (IT912)



Credits (L-T-P): 



Classical Encryption Techniques and their Cryptanalysis : Symmetric cipher models Symmetric-Key Encryption Schemes: Data Encryption Standard and Advanced Encryption Standards, RC4, Attacks on DES, AES. Number Theory: Prime numbers and factoring, modular arithmetic, computations in finite fields, Discrete logarithms. Public- Key (Asymmetric) Cryptography. Hash Functions: Design of Collision-Resistant Hash Functions, Popular Uses of Collision-Resistant Hash Functions, Random Oracle Model. Hash algorithms: MD5, SHA-256. Message Authentication: Message Authentication Codes Definitions, Constructions of Secure Message Authenticate Codes, Practical Constructions of Message Authentication Codes. Digital Signatures and Applications.


William Stallings, Cryptography & Network Security, Pearson Education Asia. 2006
Schiner Bruce, Applied Cryptology, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
Wade Trappe & Lawrence C Washington, Introduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory, Pearson Education, 2006.
Kahate A, Cryptography & Network Security, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2004.
Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman and Mike Speciner, Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.
Behrouz A. Forouzan, Cryptography and Network Security, Mc Graw Hill.
Jonathan Katz and Lindell, Introduction to Modern Cryptography: Principles and Protocols, Chapman and Hall/CRC.
Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell, "Introduction to Modern Cryptography", CRC Press.
A. Menezes, P. Van Oorschot and S. Vanstone, "Handbook of Applied Cryptography", CRC Press, 1996.


Information Technology

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Department of Information Technology,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
SurathkalP. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Ph.:    +91-824-2474056
Email:  hodit [at] nitk [dot] edu [dot] in

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